Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yo Gamma Gamma

***Apparently the show is called YO GABBA GABBA!! Thanks Tiff for setting me straight and teaching me how to be a "good mom"!! LOL I was typing too fast yesterday.....ok Tiff..that is my excuse.

Grace has found a new passion and love for a simple show called Yo Gamma Gamma. Whenever I turn it on her eyes are glued to the TV. Actually, during the entire show her eyes won't leave the screen yet she walks in circles around the ottoman. It is quite funny. But can it be that my almost 9 month old enjoys this show? It's a mystery.

"Oh my favorite show! Thanks Mom!"

Halfway around....

"I'm almost where I started and my eyes haven't even left the screen yet. YES!"

Still going....

Must be a commercial.....

Time for bed.


The Carey's said...

Come on Sue-the name of the show is "Yo GABBA GABBA". Geez,what kind of a mom are you? Don't worry, after two more kids you'll get it figured out. ;)

Kim said...

She's so cute - at least she isn't a couch potato! Logan loves that show too - too bad we don't have that channel anymore, it was kind of entertaining.

tsroybal said...

She is so cute. I can't believe she is 9 months already. Makayla use to love Emeril. Weird what they love to watch at that age.

Jessica said...

So cute!!! I love that her eyes are glued to the entire show. That is how Easton is with Barney. I love her leggings...adorable!